TVAA Fall Sports Spectators

We as the Tri-Valley Athletic Association and as individual school districts are excited to be able to have spectators at our soccer and field hockey contests. We are encouraging all families, athletes and spectators to please follow the Mitigation Order below:
Indoor sporting events and gatherings of more than 25 persons are prohibited.
Outdoor sporting events and gatherings of more than 250 persons are prohibited.
All sports-related activities must adhere to the gathering limitations set forth by the Governor's Plan for Phased Reopening (25 or fewer people for indoor activity, 250 or fewer people for outdoor activity) and the facility as a whole may not exceed 50 percent of total occupancy otherwise permitted by law. All individuals present at the facility at which such activities are held count towards gathering limitations and must comply with face covering order and social distancing guidelines.
The Mitigation Order will allow us to have a total of 250 people at a soccer and/or field hockey game. In order to meet this requirement we are encouraging 2 spectators per athlete at the contests. With your help and a little luck we will be able to successfully have a Fall season .